Section: New Results

Run-time/middle-ware level

Scalable and robust Middleware for distributed event based computing

Participants : Françoise Baude, Fabrice Huet, Laurent Pellegrino, Maeva Antoine.

In the context of the FP7 STREP PLAY and French SocEDA ANR research projects terminated late 2013, we initiated and pursued the design and development of the Event Cloud. This has been the core content of Laurent Pellegrino PhD thesis [2] , and the corresponding software deposit at the APP for this middleware.

As a distributed system, this middleware can suffer from failures. To resist to such situations, we have added a capability of checkpointing. In [18] we present how to design an adaptation of the famous Chandy and Lamport algorithm for distributed snapshot taking, to the case of the Event Cloud. Indeed, as the Event Cloud peers are multi-active objects, we need to take care when and how to serve the chekpointing request and so, when to apply the Chandy Lamport protocol operations. Consequently, we have make sure that the obtained distributed snapshot is indeed consistent. As publication of events are triggered from the outside of the Event Cloud, we however are not able to recover them from the last saved snapshot in case of peer crash and subsequent whole Event Cloud recovery. However, we ensure any event injected through a peer, before this peer was participating in the last global checkpoint taking is safely part of it.

As a distributed system handling huge amount of information, this middleware can suffer from data imbalances. In [22] , [8] , we have reviewed the litterature of structured peer to peer systems regarding the way they handle load imbalance. We have generalized those popular approaches by proposing a core API that we have proved to be indeed also applicable to the Event Cloud middleware way of implementing a load balancing policy.

Storing highly skewed data in a distributed system has become a very frequent issue, in particular with the emergence of semantic web and big data. This often leads to biased data dissemination among nodes. Addressing load imbalance is necessary, especially to minimize response time and avoid workload being handled by only one or few nodes. We have proposed a protocol which allows a peer to change its hash function at runtime, without a priori knowledge regarding data distribution. This provides a simple but efficient adaptive load balancing mechanism. Moreover, we have shown that a structured overlay can still be consistent event when all peers do not apply the same hash function on data [7] .

Virtual Machines Placement Algorithms

Participants : Fabien Hermenier, Vincent Kherbache.

In [21] , [19] , we present BtrPlace as an application of the dynamic bin packing problem with a focus on its dynamic and heterogeneous nature. We advocate flexibility to answer these issues and present the theoretical aspects of BtrPlace and its modeling using Constraint Programming. In [5] we rely on BtrPlace to achieve energy efficiency. To maintain an energy footprint as low as possible, data centres manage their VMs according to conventional and established rules. Each data centre is however made unique due to its hardware and workload specificities. This prevents the ad-hoc design of current VM schedulers from taking these particularities into account to provide additional energy savings. In this paper, we present Plug4Green, an application that relies on BtrPlace to customize an energy-aware VM scheduler. This flexibility is validated through the implementation of 23 SLA constraints and 2 objectives aiming at reducing either the power consumption or the greenhouse gas emissions. On a heterogeneous test bed, Plug4Green specialization to fit the hardware and the workload specificities allowed to reduce the energy consumption and the gas emission by up to 33% and 34%, respectively. Finally, simulations showed that Plug4Green is capable of computing an improved placement for 7,500 VMs running on 1,500 servers within a minute.

Finally, we started to investigate on easing the jobs of data centre operators using BtrPlace. For example, server maintenance is a common but still critical operation. A prerequisite is indeed to relocate elsewhere the VMs running on the production servers to prepare them for the maintenance. When the maintenance focuses several servers, this may lead to a costly relocation of several VMs so the migration plan must be chose wisely. This however implies to master numerous human, technical, and economical aspects that play a role in the design of a quality migration plan. In[13] , we study migration plans that can be decided by an operator to prepare for an hardware upgrade or a server refresh on multiple servers. We exhibit performance bottleneck and pitfalls that reduce the plan efficiency. We then discuss and validate possible improvements deduced from the knowledge of the environment peculiarities.